
Written by Winnie Zhang from CSESoc Education

The thinking behind how to implement this question requires great comfortability with the course content, especially the concept of the Abstract Data Type (ADT), Stacks.


A Stack is an ordered collection of items, where the addition and removal or new items follow a "last in, first out" principle. See Week 9 Lecture Notes for more info.

For our question, we want to keep track of every opening bracket, so that we know if we meet a closing bracket, we can check if the most recently seen opening bracket matches that. The idea that we always want to check the most recently seen opening bracket (like the concept of "last in") and "remove" it from our mind once we know that the opening bracket has a corresponding closing bracket (like the concept of "first out"), we see that our goals to solve this question align with the concept of using a Stack (ADT).

Let us think about how to approach this at a higher level with just the Stack ADT. What we would need is:

  1. Create an (empty) Stack. Then later we can start adding and removing things in the stack. Let us make this a helper function: Stack stack_create() that returns a created Stack.

  2. Push or add items (in this case a char or int) into the Stack collection. We would need to specify which item we want to put in which stack. Let us make this a helper function: void stack_push(Stack s, int item).

  3. Pop or remove items in the Stack collection, and return the removed item (in this case a char or int). We would need to specify which Stack we want to remove the item from, so the helper function looks like int stack_pop(Stack s).

  4. Check the size of the Stack, does our Stack collection have items still inside and how many? We can make a helper function for this: int stack_size(Stack s).

  5. Free the Stack to ensure we are not leaking memory. We can do this in making a helper function: void stack_free(Stack s).

Now we have every tool we need to create and use a Stack, how do we use it to solve our problem?

Firstly, we can use getchar to read in the input character by character, so we can loop it like:

// Initialise the first character (like int i = 0)
int curr_bracket = getchar();
// Loop until End of File , which means until no more input
while (curr_bracket != EOF) {
// main logic etc.
// This gets the next character like an iterator (it is like i++)
curr_bracket = getchar();

Remember, int and char are quite interchangeable, because every char has an integer ascii value and so we can make our items int instead of char if we wanted to.

Now for the main logic. As we mentioned, we want to keep track of every opening bracket, and to do this, we can just push every opening bracket into the Stack:

// Create a Stack to house everything first.
Stack bracketStack = stack_create();
int curr_bracket = getchar();
while (curr_bracket != EOF) {
if (curr_bracket == '{' || curr_bracket == '[' || curr_bracket == '(') {
// Since it is an opening bracket, push it into the Stack we created to
// keep track of it.
stack_push(bracketStack, curr_bracket);
// more logic....
curr_bracket = getchar();

Then, we said earlier that if we meet a closing bracket, we can check if the most recently seen opening bracket matches that.

  • If it does, hooray! We have a matching opening and closing bracket pair. Hence, we no longer need to keep track of that opening bracket now because we know it is all good so it is okay that the opening bracket item is popped.

  • If it does not, then we immediately know it is unbalanced. For example, if the input was (({[) we expected the closing bracket should have been ] not ). So since the closing bracket does not match the most recently seen opening bracket, we already know it is unbalanced. We can print that it is unbalanced, use our stack_free function to avoid memory leaks and early return.

But there is an edge case! What if the input was }}]], where we do not have a most recently seen opening bracket? Even though we know that this input is defintely unbalanced?

Well, this means that our Stack is currently empty, because we have not seen any opening bracket. If we make a separate if statement to check if the Stack is empty (or has a size of 0) then we can handle the case accordingly.

We can see all of this below:

// Create a Stack to house everything first.
Stack bracketStack = stack_create();
int curr_bracket = getchar();
while (curr_bracket != EOF) {
if (curr_bracket == '{' || curr_bracket == '[' || curr_bracket == '(') {
// Since it is an opening bracket, push it into the Stack we created to
// keep track of it.
stack_push(bracketStack, curr_bracket);
} else if (curr_bracket == '}' || curr_bracket == ']' || curr_bracket == ')') {
// Handle the edge case where we have not seen an opening bracket at all.
if (stack_size(bracketStack) == 0) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
// Otherwise, we can pop out the most recently seen opening bracket.
popped_bracket = stack_pop(bracketStack);
// Here, we ensure that the closing bracket (in `curr_bracket`) is
// matching the most recently seen opening bracket (in `popped_bracket`).
if ((curr_bracket == '}' && popped_bracket != '{') ||
(curr_bracket == ')' && popped_bracket != '(') ||
(curr_bracket == ']' && popped_bracket != '[')) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
// This gets the next character like an iterator (it is like i++)
curr_bracket = getchar();

We use an else if instead of an else within the while loop because we want to only look at bracket characters and ignore any words, such as inputs like abcd{{[[(hi)hey]]}}.

Now, there is one more edge case!

Let us think about the input {(([[]]. We do have matching brackets, but not enough matching brackets, therefore this input is still unbalanced.

As we know in the while loop, every matching opening bracket is popped off the Stack, so the Stack used to look like {(([[, but after the while loop, it will look like {((.

So, after the while loop, we should expect that the Stack is empty, because every opening bracket has a matching closing bracket. So if the Stack is not empty, we also know that the brackets are unbalanced and can handle this case accordingly.

This is then what the main function should look like:

int main() {
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
Stack bracketStack = stack_create();
int curr_bracket = getchar();
while (curr_bracket != EOF) {
if (curr_bracket == '{' || curr_bracket == '[' || curr_bracket == '(') {
stack_push(bracketStack, curr_bracket);
} else if (curr_bracket == '}' || curr_bracket == ']' || curr_bracket == ')') {
if (stack_size(bracketStack) == 0) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
int popped_bracket = stack_pop(bracketStack);
if ((curr_bracket == '}' && popped_bracket != '{') ||
(curr_bracket == ')' && popped_bracket != '(') ||
(curr_bracket == ']' && popped_bracket != '[')) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
curr_bracket = getchar();
// Check if the stack is empty or not, to handle that edge case.
// This ensures that every opening bracket had a matching closing bracket.
if (stack_size(bracketStack) == 0) {
printf("Yes, balanced");
} else {
printf("No, not balanced");
// Free the Stack to avoid memory leaks.
return 0;

Awesome! The main logic is done!

Now, we notice that we actually need to implement the functions:

  • Stack stack_create()

  • void stack_push(Stack s, int item)

  • int stack_pop(Stack s)

  • int stack_size(Stack s)

  • void stack_free(Stack s)

Luckily, these are all in the Lecture code from Week 9! Click here for the code.

One small difference is that the lecture code uses struct stack * whereas I have used Stack. This is an easy fix, by adding the line:

typedef struct stack *Stack;

which just means struct stack * is the same thing as Stack.

So, taking the lecture code and connecting it to our main logic, we get:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct stack *Stack;
// Define the stack structure itself, the stack structure in this case
// may have a size and a top node (which is the head)
struct stack {
int size;
struct node *top;
// Define each element of a stack as a node
struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
Stack stack_create(void);
void stack_push(Stack s, int item);
int stack_pop(Stack s);
int stack_size(Stack s);
void stack_free(Stack s);
int main() {
Stack bracketStack = stack_create();
int curr_bracket = getchar();
while (curr_bracket != EOF) {
if (curr_bracket == '{' || curr_bracket == '[' || curr_bracket == '(') {
stack_push(bracketStack, curr_bracket);
} else if (curr_bracket == '}' || curr_bracket == ']' || curr_bracket == ')') {
if (stack_size(bracketStack) == 0) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
int popped_bracket = stack_pop(bracketStack);
if ((curr_bracket == '}' && popped_bracket != '{') ||
(curr_bracket == ')' && popped_bracket != '(') ||
(curr_bracket == ']' && popped_bracket != '[')) {
printf("No, not balanced");
return 0;
curr_bracket = getchar();
// Check if the stack is empty or not, to handle that edge case.
// This ensures that every opening bracket had a matching closing bracket.
if (stack_size(bracketStack) == 0) {
printf("Yes, balanced");
} else {
printf("No, not balanced");
// Free the Stack to avoid memory leaks.
return 0;
/* All the code below is copy and pasted from the Week 9 Lecture Code to give a point of reference :) */
// If we are creating the stack what will we return and what will be
// the input?
Stack stack_create(void) {
//Allocate some memory to the stack structure
struct stack *new_stack = malloc(sizeof(struct stack));
//Check that there was enough memory to create the stack structure
if (new_stack == NULL){
printf("There was not enough memory to malloc\n");
//TODO: Initialise the stack that was created
new_stack->size = 0;
new_stack->top = NULL;
return new_stack;
// TODO: Function to push an item onto the stack, what are the
// inputs and outputs?
void stack_push(Stack s, int item) {
//Allocate some memory for the new item that you will push on
struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
//Check if there is enough memory to make a new node
/*if (new_node == NULL) {
printf("There is not enough memory to create a node.\n");
//Initialise the new node
new_node->data = item;
new_node->next = s->top;
//Correct the stack by changing the head and size
s->size = s->size + 1;
s->top = new_node;
// Function to pop off the stack, so we will be returning the number
// that was popped off and giving the argument of the stack from which to pop
int stack_pop(Stack s) {
// TODO: Boundary case: what happens if the stack is empty? This means
// there is nothing to pop off
if (s->size == 0) {
printf("There is nothing to pop off the stack, stack is empty\n");
return 1;
// TODO: change the top node in the stack to prepare for popping the
// head off
struct node *popped_head = s->top;
int popped_number = popped_head->data;
s->top = s->top->next;
s->size = s->size - 1;
// TODO: Deallocate the memory that was occupied by the node you are popping
return popped_number;
// Function to quickly check the size of the stack
int stack_size(Stack s) {
// What should we return to give the size of the stack?
return s->size;
// Function to destroy the whole stack, output is nothing since you are
// destroying and input is the stack which you want to destroy
void stack_free(Stack s){
//TODO: condition for traversing though the list to destroy?
while (s->size != 0){
//TODO: Now that all the nodes are freed and deallocated, need
// to deallocate the actual stack structure

A fun challenge: As you saw in the lecture notes, the Stack implementation was done using linked list. If you are keen, have a go at implementing it using an array as mentioned in the Week 9 Lecture notes :)