Typing Champ

Problem Statement

Joseph uses his phone so often that he remembers how his fingers move to type in the six-digit passcode, but not the passcode itself. The keypad has the following layout.


His finger starts in the top left, and then his finger movements can be described by a sequence of actions. Each action is either a key press, or a movement up, down, left or right one position.

Given the sequence of actions, what is Joseph's passcode?

Input Format

The first line of input contains a single integer NN, the number of actions in the sequence. The second line contains a string of NN characters, representing the sequence of moves:

  • L stands for a leftwards movement.
  • R stands for a rightwards movement.
  • U stands for a upwards movement.
  • D stands for a downwards movement.
  • P stands for a press of the key his finger is currently over.


For all test cases:

  • 6N1006 \leq N \leq 100.
  • Each character is either L, R, U, D, or P.
  • The character P appears exactly six times.


  • For test cases worth 50%, there are no U or D moves.

Output Format

Output a single string of digits, Joseph's six-digit passcode.

Sample Input


Sample Output


The diagram depicts the sequence of finger movements.
