
Written by Winnie Zhang from CSESoc Education

The complexity of this question can be split into two:

  • Understanding the logic of how to order the numbers

  • Coding the answer up syntactically right, with pointers


Understanding the logic of how to order the numbers

For any logical problem, drawing it out helps a lot! With this, we can think of the main logic as seeing if one number is bigger than another (resulting in yes or no answers).

When I think of yes or no answers, I like to turn to a flow chart:

  • if the number is bigger, do this

  • otherwise, do that

Now applying this to the question, we always want to make sure x is the smallest, y is the next smallest and z is the largest. So the first step to start that off is to ask:

Is x smaller than y?

  • If yes, you can check if x is also smaller than z

  • If no, swap x and y so x is now the smallest. Then you could check if x is smaller than z and so on

The challenge part of this question comes to how to write the least comparisons. To do this, I would actually start of by comparing if z is smaller than x, so z always has what we currently see as the largest every time.


Coding the answer up syntactically right, with pointers

Now we know the logic behind it all, as in which variables we want to compare and that we need to swap variable values around, how do we code this?

x, y and z are integer pointers and so to access the actual integer value they point to, we need to dereference it. This syntactically means putting a * in front of the variable, so we can compare the values of x and z like this:

if (*x > *z) {
// etc.

The next harder part is the actual swapping of the values held by the pointers. We may have seen this in a lab before, but let us revisit what it looks like through a helper function:

void swap_nums(int *a, int *b) {
// We want `a` = `b` and `b` = `a`
// Create a temporary integer `tmp` to store the current value of `a`
int tmp = *a;
// Now let `a` = `b` but remember to dereference the pointer when we are dealing with the actual integers they are pointing to
// You can see why we created `tmp`, the `a` value is overridden here
*a = *b;
// As we saw, the `a` value was overridden above
// Luckily, `tmp` had the original `a` value so we can let `b` = `tmp`
// `tmp` does not need to be dereferenced because we defined it as `int tmp` not `int *tmp`
*b = tmp;