Charming Three

Bob thinks three is a lucky number - the Three Musketeers, the Holy Trinity, the three witches in Macbeth - it pops up everywhere. So he always collects numbers in groups of three.

However, what's better than three numbers? Three sorted numbers! Let's help Bob out.

Write a function, sort_three, that takes in three integer pointers as arguments and sorts the values they point to in increasing order.

If you would like a challenge, try to accomplish this by using a single comparison operator, > no more than three times!

Input Format
The function prototype of sort_three is

void sort_three(int *x, int *y, int *z);

where x, y and z are the three integer pointers.


All numbers that the pointer points to are positive.

Output Format

The function sort_three does not print anything. It changes what x, y and z point to in place.


Example 0

Input: 5 2 7
Output: 2 5 7
Explanation: Sorts the numbers in ascending order.