Mocking SpongeBob


Bring back memories? In 2017, a meme format went viral that lOoKed lIKe tHIs.

Your task is to create a C program that converts an input string to this meme format, using the following format rules.

Format rules:

  • The first vowel and second consonant of each word is converted into uppercase.
  • All other letters remain lowercase.

Hint: The string.h library contains a function that'll help you iterate over each word.

Input Format
A string SS that can contain characters, numbers or Unicode characters.

1S10241 \leq S \leq 1024

Output Format
The same string S, formatted in accordance to the rules.


revisionrEVisionE is the first vowel. V is the second consonant.
tuesday 12 april 2022tUeSday 12 ApRil 2022The first vowel and second consonant of each word are capitalised. Numbers remain the same.
nike air force 1 $160.00, 20% discount!nIKe Air fORce 1 $160.00, 20% dIScount!Same as above. Unicode symbols aren't modified.