
Written by Terence Lau from CSESoc Education

We recognise that it'll be useful to have a YouTuber linked list, so we first create a struct for it.

struct youtuber {
char name[BUFFER_SIZE];
int num_videos;
int total_likes;
struct youtuber *next;

The program can then be broken down into these steps:

    1. Populate the YouTuber linked list by traversing the video linked list and appending a YouTuber whenever a new one is found. See populate_youtuber_list().
    • Create a helper function for creating a YouTuber node. See create_youtuber().
    • Create a helper function for checking whether a YouTuber is already in the YouTuber linked list. See already_in_list().
    1. For each YouTuber, update their info by traversing the video linked list and adding appropriate values whenever a matching video is found. See update_youtubers_with_info().
    1. Now we have a linked list of YouTubers with the relevant info. Traverse it and calculate the likes-to-video ratio of each. Keep a greatest likes-to-video ratio variable to keep track of the greatest ratio and update a best YouTuber variable each time a new maximum is found. See find_best_youtuber().
    • Remember to check for ties.
    1. Format and print the correct result.

It may be useful to create functions like print_all_youtubers() to see how input is being handled by your program and for debugging.